A&M Tools stamping abilities range from small to large capacity operations with our various sizes of in-house presses. Having the ability to utilize our de-coilers and automatic feeders allows A&M to accomplish small prototype and large production runs, with ease.

WaterJet Machine
An “Omax 55100 JetMachining® Center” waterjet machine allows A&M to machine a wide range of materials and thicknesses. This machine is equipped with the “Tilt-a-Jet®” option to control taper and allow for a much straighter cut in tight turns and tight corners. Cutting travel of the machine is 4’7” x 8’4” with a “Z-Axis” travel of 8”.

Wire EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining)
Electrical discharge machining is a machining method primarily used for hard metals or those that would be very difficult to machine with traditional techniques. The Fanuc ROBOCUT a-C600iA EDM wire cut machine allows for high reliability and high performance, precise machining. Offering a 15” x 24” table travel, the EDM wire machine can cut materials as thick as 12”.

CNC Mills
High speed machining and hard milling is on our list of capabilities with two high speed machining centers. The VF2 with allowable x,y,z travel in inches of 30,16,20 (pictured left) and the VF8 bosting a x,y,z, travel in inches of 64,40,30 (pictured right). These machines alone have opened up a whole new way to approach many machining challenges faced by the industry today.

Our Milltronics MB20 tool room mill has a 54" x 16" table offering generous x,y,z travels in inches of 40,20,24. The open tabel bed keeps its popularity in the shop and handles a wide variety of work.